Friday, 26 August 2011

Tickets, Tickets

I know I have a job related to promoting London 2012, but I don't have a special way of getting tickets for events. No, truly I don't. Even athletes have to go online.

The Paralympic tickets will go on sale soon so you might like to check on for the latest information, timings etc to plan what you want to see. I don't know how popular these will be, but judging by the initial phase and the fact that they are far cheaper I'd guess pretty popular!

The Day tickets may also include a way of getting to an event, but I wasn't entirely clear about that from the website.

Two other current options are to look at the Thomas Cook website as they have an allocation of tickets or use any contacts overseas to buy them via their IOC. Later on there will be a website for people to sell their allocated tickets they don't want and any that come back from overseas.

Or go in for competitions for them. Lloyds Bank customers can do that.

OK, no more requests for me to get you tickets please. I am thinking of the Beatles song Ticket to Ride for some reason...

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